summer gone so soon.

Just came across this one from the fishing derby at the end of summer. Warm enough to take the coat off but still the coat in tow. I like winter. I love snow. But so far I'm holding on tight to the summer memories of warmer weather, sunsets and much longer days. I don't know what to do with myself in these short days with snow looming. I can walk, but where?

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Newton Creek "Nature" Walk

Using the word nature to describe this space is a very broad use of the term. I've rode passed the sign on Greenpoint Ave for years but only yesterday did I check it out. Architecturally speaking, it's really interesting. Squeezed between a sewage processing plant and a cement manufacturer (what the brochure calls Industrial Scenes) you walk down a long cement pathway to get to the water. They've created peek holes along the path so you can see what's on the other side, sewage of course. Inhale... aaaah... the sweet smell of sewage and a 30 year-old oil spill to make you feel one with nature.

Oh holy crap! I just found this article in the nytimes and they spent $3.2 million on this place! sigh.

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Across from you.

Bike, Camera, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan to Robert Frank. What a day!

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Capturing the Empire #12

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A couple from an ongoing project, Capturing the Empire



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New show coming Soon!
March 5th @ RePop