A small triangle between here and there.

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LIC Fishing Pier

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Newton Creek "Nature" Walk

Using the word nature to describe this space is a very broad use of the term. I've rode passed the sign on Greenpoint Ave for years but only yesterday did I check it out. Architecturally speaking, it's really interesting. Squeezed between a sewage processing plant and a cement manufacturer (what the brochure calls Industrial Scenes) you walk down a long cement pathway to get to the water. They've created peek holes along the path so you can see what's on the other side, sewage of course. Inhale... aaaah... the sweet smell of sewage and a 30 year-old oil spill to make you feel one with nature.

Oh holy crap! I just found this article in the nytimes and they spent $3.2 million on this place! sigh.

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Monday on Roosevelt Island. A great Monday. A wonderful Monday.
You don't hear that very often do you?

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noticed a lot of wayward boats on my bike trips this summer.

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Staten Island Hospital

...or what remains. I found this place on Halloween while searching for another, isn't that always the way, but the light was waning and I was alone so I headed home determined to return soon. Soon came yesterday. When I walked up there was a man sitting inside the gate, seemed harmless but you never know. His reaction gave me the impression he is there often and often told to leave, "I'm on my way, on my way out, don't worry I'm leaving... unless you smoke pot?" Sorry just here for a photo or two. "What you buying this building? You crazy." ...ha. Anyways - he left and I didn't run into anyone else which was good. The inside of the buildings were falling down so I couldn't make my way around too well. Stairwell intact but floors crumbling. I'll just stay here on the cement floors. I'm not sure when it was vacated but a woman from across the way said they tried to convert it into condos but that didn't last. Obviously people come and go, but other then that, I'm sure it will fall away soon like the rest of the buildings on the lot.

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Where did the Monastery go?

Sometimes you forget what a big diverse place NYC is. I'm am only a few miles and a boat ride from home and it's a completely different world. I rode off into Staten Island looking for an abandoned building but I was too late, gondor. Turns out Wagner College got to it before I did.

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Happy Halloween!

from the hills of Staten Island. Cue the spooky soundtrack.

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under the Gowanus


let me out...

someone's dinner to be.

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A ride to the ocean.

We finally had a day that resembled Fall and not Winter so off on the bike I went - Coney Island bound. It wasn't as quiet as I expected it to be. A few of the boardwalk bars and clam shacks were open and the fishing pier was full. No one was catching anything and they all had a theory... this guy. He had two buckets full of these small fish, speerim or whiting or ???. His english was zero or so he said, the comedic fishing crew on the bench watching him thought otherwise. He motioned with his hands that they were to eat, but that is a lot of teeny tiny fish, I'm assuming he's selling them to a store or restaurant. Which scares me. Just found this link from 2003, I'm guessing he knows more English then he's letting on... looking at those pics, Coney hasn't changed much in 6 years.

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Lost importance.

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Across from you.

Bike, Camera, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan to Robert Frank. What a day!

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Flatbush Avenue

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When I see "keep out" my first instinct is to go in, I'm not sure where that comes from. These images are from the unused area of Floyd Bennett Field at the far end of Brookyn, my new favorite world by the water. I rode passed these buildings on my way home from the ocean last week and knew I would return, just didn't think it would be so amazing - the sunlight streaming through the broken ceiling helped. Click here for a few of the many many photos I took today.

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Reminder to self: this is not vacation...

The last few weeks have been a dream, a stressful dream, but a dream none the less. Unemployment is supposed to be hard and worrisome but I am enjoying it. Don't tell my Mom, oh... too late. I spend mornings scouring websites and emailing friends and prospective job contacts, but by the afternoon I need to leave the computer, leave the apartment, get out. Off onto the bike, camera in tow. Never sure where I'll be going but going somewhere other then here.

Today I got lost. An adventure down Broadway that turned into somewhere I wasn't quite sure. A text message with directions later I was at the ocean. This was not Brooklyn - this was vacation. A vacant beach. Sun. Sand. Waves. I could move here. It really was that good. 35 miles later my knees hate me, I never learn, but the day ended with the best Mac & Cheese ever and some friends from the hood with Bob Dylan playing on the stereo. I cannot complain.

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Delancey and Bowery

I wish U-turns were illegal.
I wish you didn't burn out at 55 mph to get to the next red light.
I wish you wouldn't drive so close.
I wish you would stay out of my bike lane...

Ghost Bike Memorials

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Puerto Rican Day Parade, Williamsburg Brooklyn

I need a horn on my bike like these guys from the Puerto Rico Schwinn Bike Club had! Now those are some horns. Louder then most cars. dreamy.

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Pedestrian Free!

Had a great dinner last night at HB Burger in Times Square - YUM! - it was my first time in TS since they stopped vehicle traffic. OK, I know we are programmed, but no cars and everyone still walked on the sidewalk. I find it all kinds of ridiculous, but it made me laugh to see all the chairs. After all the yummy food we took a walk around and the first thing we hear is: crunch, crunch, pop! A pedicab hit by a yellow cab. Out falls a family of 3. No one was hurt but all were shaken up. I don't know who's fault it was I just know as a biker that these yellow cabs have NO respect for those on less then 4 wheels. argh!

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I took a ride today through a part of Brooklyn I wouldn't dare go to by myself at night. Just one turn off Eastern Parkway and you are in East Flatbush. What I thought was a street fair on a beautiful Sunday afternoon turned out to be a double homicide. Ok, ride away. On the way home it was mural after mural for fallen friends and family. It was getting to be a pretty depressing ride so I headed home.

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Another Saturday on the bike getting lost in the city. No matter what wrong turn you take you will always discover a part you shouldn't miss. Today I found myself on Graham Avenue and Moore Street, a latin quarter on the edge of Williamsburg. I passed by the "live pollo" deciding to go into La Marqueta first. Images from inside will come soon, but first, the pollo.

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Greene Avenue at Knickerbocker Avenue

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Well... after a day of biking across brooklyn/queens, I'm exhausted. But it's due time to post some new images. These are from Most Holy Trinity Cemetery in Brooklyn-ish, it's a funny border between Brooklyn and Queens and I'm not sure which side of the street I was on. What I do know, they do NOT like bikes nor do they like cameras. The security guard pretended to call 911 and I walked away. I mean come on, really... anyways, it is a beautiful place that seems unreal at times. I've never seen tombstones made out of metal. There were some made out of wood, others made from pipes. I inquired with the friendly security guard, but he just said, "I just work here... NO PHOTO". After some research, it seems the grounds were believed to soft for marble so hollow metal and wood were used. Incredible. Marble melts away over the years; metal bends, twists and rusts into new shapes yet holding information for years to come.

trying a new way to post images tonight. Let me know what you think! -g

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the waterfalls...

...kinda boring but they sure are perty at night.
(notice the water barrier, that is so they don't suck up any "large" items - you know, like bodies...)

The bike hit the 666 mark again last night. The last 3 bikes barely hit 200 miles before some jackass stole them - i guess multiple locks do deter thieves!

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March 5th @ RePop