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Happy Halloween!

from the hills of Staten Island. Cue the spooky soundtrack.

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if the weather holds, I think tomorrow just may be a perfect day to revisit Bayside Cemetery!

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Just getting back into the flow of things after a wonderful week in the sun. Tucson was an interesting mix of dirt and spirits. Everywhere you look there seems to be a cross; road memorials, missions and saguaro cacti. On first arrival I was taken with a small cemetery on the side of the road, so we exited and tried to find it. Turns out it was on the Gila River Reservation and were basically told if we went there the cops would too. So, back in the car and off to Tucson - of course I couldn't get it out of my head. On my way back to Phoenix I stopped off again and found a cemetery. Not the small memorial one we saw from the highway but similar. It's pretty different then any other I've seen. Not sure what Sponge Bob Square Pants has to do with memorials but he was on quite a few graves, along with solar lights, fake flowers, etc. One article I read seemed to think it had to do with how poor they are and they place a lot of different items from around the house for decoration. I don't know about that, just found it colorful in the land of beige.

- View the images here -

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Driving through Jersey on Route 22 wasn't all that interesting to photograph. I found it sad that so much of it looked just like everywhere else - Dunkin Donuts, 7-11s, pretty much strip mall hell. It wasn't until I was cruising along on I-78 that I spotted the above place, Bethlehem Graveyard, which isn't in, nor near Bethlehem, but somewhere between a bunch of small towns near Pattenburg. There isn't much information that I can find. Just a ruin of an old stone church that obviously was left years ago yet the small cemetery on the side is tended too. Flags in place. Looking closer, all three headstones are for the children of RJ & Alice Killgore. All died young, two in the same year. Time to start doing some research!

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This is from the fun in the cemetery. I had three cameras around my neck -(yes I can hear you)- a Nikon d200, Canon g9, and a plastic Holga. I'm still not in love with digital but i do love the convenience. The image above is from the $15 Holga. The film expired in 2004 and the developing was $25 (argh). Maybe everything doesn't need to be so sharp and perfect as digital... what do you think?

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I'll call this one "Sneezemaker".

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It's always an adventure. Today I returned to Bayside Cemetery in Ozone Park. I left a little late and the light was beautiful so I wasn't really paying too much attention to the time. But somehow I got myself locked into the cemetery. Every gate locked - chained and bolted. Not a person around. The fences covered with razor wire. Nightmare! I finally found a fence on the opposite end - because i was not going back through the overgrown section at this hour - but the fence was super tall with wire sticking out on top. I tried once. Not going to happen. I tried twice. Almost ripped my pants off. A few passer-by'ers stopped to watch. Ugh. Third times the charm, up to the top, slowly slowly over... tada! free at last. Deep breath and back to the subway. Another pleasant day in the city... click to see more

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Well... after a day of biking across brooklyn/queens, I'm exhausted. But it's due time to post some new images. These are from Most Holy Trinity Cemetery in Brooklyn-ish, it's a funny border between Brooklyn and Queens and I'm not sure which side of the street I was on. What I do know, they do NOT like bikes nor do they like cameras. The security guard pretended to call 911 and I walked away. I mean come on, really... anyways, it is a beautiful place that seems unreal at times. I've never seen tombstones made out of metal. There were some made out of wood, others made from pipes. I inquired with the friendly security guard, but he just said, "I just work here... NO PHOTO". After some research, it seems the grounds were believed to soft for marble so hollow metal and wood were used. Incredible. Marble melts away over the years; metal bends, twists and rusts into new shapes yet holding information for years to come.

trying a new way to post images tonight. Let me know what you think! -g

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Spent the day out in Ozone Park at a cemetery I saw from the subway a few weeks ago. I didn't think places like this existed in NY! It was really hard to edit down and wish I could show them all...

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New Marlborough Cemetary, Massachusetts


No better time then now to share my obsession with cemeteries!

These are from St. Peters in Salzburg Vienna.
(my favorite little tidbit: In Austria, grave sites are rented,
not owned - if your descendant's don't pay your bill once a decade,
they take you out and put somebody else in!)

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March 5th @ RePop