
I was asked if it was as cold as it looked on TV... yes, yes, yes, it was COLD!

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Happiness 2009

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We made it as far as the Washington Monument after walking almost 3 miles to watch the inauguration on the jumbotrons. We were a little nervous when we turned on the news at 6am to see so many people filing into the Mall, "oh man, it's only 6am". But that didn't stop us. Metro stops closed due to overcrowding - that didn't stop us. Closed streets, walls of people walking with no idea where to go - that didn't stop us (although at this point I was not so sure). But we made it in to stand with everyone cheering, smiling, laughing and crying, it was truly amazing! I cannot say it enough, amazing.

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Remember this? 2009 seemed like it would never come! Well guess what!!!! I'll be heading down to DC on Monday to capture the happiness that 2009 is bringing in.


did ya hear?!??!

Still tonight the whole city is wandering around in a haze of elation. Wow!!! Isn't it going to be awesome when they move into the White House... I mean, come on!!!! It almost feels sad that it feels so amazing, how can it be that it took this long, but here we are... and all I can say is, Wow!



It's 3am and the streets of my neighborhood are still full. It started with friends and then the countdown to the west coast... 5, 4, 3, 2, ..... OBAMA! We all ran into the streets. OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA.... Yes we can... YES WE DID! I am still sitting here with a smile on my face. My voice is gone, but my smile is not. PERFECT. There isn't enough room on my site to post all of the images I want to, so here are a few of my favorites. THANK YOU!!!! OBAMA! Wow, what a day.



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I waited an hour and half to do this in a neighborhood where people never vote!!!! What a day.

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blogger has been making me crazy with the uploading issues. don't think i haven't been running around with the cameras! but thought this image was perfect for today. I've always been behind them both... leaning hillary side, but will GLADLY support Obama!!!

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March 5th @ RePop