A small triangle between here and there.

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if the weather holds, I think tomorrow just may be a perfect day to revisit Bayside Cemetery!

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This is from the fun in the cemetery. I had three cameras around my neck -(yes I can hear you)- a Nikon d200, Canon g9, and a plastic Holga. I'm still not in love with digital but i do love the convenience. The image above is from the $15 Holga. The film expired in 2004 and the developing was $25 (argh). Maybe everything doesn't need to be so sharp and perfect as digital... what do you think?

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I'll call this one "Sneezemaker".

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It's always an adventure. Today I returned to Bayside Cemetery in Ozone Park. I left a little late and the light was beautiful so I wasn't really paying too much attention to the time. But somehow I got myself locked into the cemetery. Every gate locked - chained and bolted. Not a person around. The fences covered with razor wire. Nightmare! I finally found a fence on the opposite end - because i was not going back through the overgrown section at this hour - but the fence was super tall with wire sticking out on top. I tried once. Not going to happen. I tried twice. Almost ripped my pants off. A few passer-by'ers stopped to watch. Ugh. Third times the charm, up to the top, slowly slowly over... tada! free at last. Deep breath and back to the subway. Another pleasant day in the city... click to see more

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Flag #2 - Ozone Park Queens

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Spent the day out in Ozone Park at a cemetery I saw from the subway a few weeks ago. I didn't think places like this existed in NY! It was really hard to edit down and wish I could show them all...

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March 5th @ RePop