
Yesterday was perfect for a December bike ride, can't say the same for today. The sun was out, no wind and we broke 40 degrees! Larry was all alone on the pier and he prefers it that way, "...the crazy summer fishermen hibernate, I get the place to myself". He's lived in Red Hook almost all his life but only eats the fish every few months, just something to do. He told me about some of the fish they used to catch, they weren't quite fish, covered with 'stuff'. The water is certainly cleaner now but he still tosses most back for another day.

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Dinner... postponed.

This one was too small. After a good look-over, released back into the waters to hopefully be caught again next year. There is something about the bait board I love: the bloody mess of cut fish and knives... perhaps it's just the fall light, the fishermen think I'm just some crazy girl that likes to photograph the gross stuff. I don't mind photographing it but never quick to touch it. Yay Purell!

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Back to Red Hook

This fishing project has taken on a life of it's own. Now, wherever I go I notice the bikes with rods, the buckets on the handlebars, the eagerness to get to the water. I feel the same but for other reasons. The last few days we have had some wonderful weather but as the winter comes upon us it will be interesting to see how eager I still am. I'm told they fish all winter, wrapped up like bears against the chill. Back in the D they switch to ice fishing, doesn't really get cold enough for that here, although that sounds warmer then standing on a bone-chilling windy pier on the ocean.

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Red Hook

The only way inside, up until recently, was a canoe trip on the river. Now, the cement block wall is gone and a quick hop over the iron rail and you could be in. I was very tempted to jump the fence to go inside, but alas, I was solo and used my better judgement. Here are some pics from 2007, when another photographer adventured inside.

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A fishing story...

It started with 2 bikes, sunshine, some fishing poles and an apology.
Ended in laughter, burgers, friends and moonlight.
The only fish we saw was the bait, but I prefer my fish from cleaner waters anyways. -see the full day here-

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Red to the White to the Blue...

I'm off to find the 4th.

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I've always noticed all the memorials that pop-up around the city, only recently have I photographed them. I'm surprised at how long some of them have been tended to.
Jesse Tompkins - 08/05/2008, who was just jogging peacefully down the street when he was hit by a car on Myrtle Ave.

08/04/2008 - I've heard rumors about what happened at this corner last week, but I do not know more then his family misses him. There were a lot of tears and music, when they were done they took the memorial with them.

Markita Weaver - 03/09/2005 she was hit by a sanitation truck while playing in a snow bank...

10/04/2006 - Red Hook

This was also in Red Hook, not sure if it was a memorial or just recycling...

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Red Hook

view more of the images of my walk with FGPO in Red Hook here...

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March 5th @ RePop