She thinks she is all that rite

Found outside of PS46 and made me smile. Remembering the days of passed notes and quick enemies.


The sun felt like summer.

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Ratner created blight.

Wandering around yesterday I headed into the mess of what will become a bigger mess. Ratner has convinced the state that the area was blighted, eminent domain begins. Looking at it now, yes, but before he started this, no. It makes me so angry. As if the traffic wasn't horrible already. argh!. So here is what is left of Dean Street. A building waiting demo. A homeless shelter where all 88 families have been removed. Freddy's Bar hosted an event yesterday to stop the demo of the shelter but I'm not sure there is anything left to be done but mourn. Can't say we didn't put up a good fight. sigh.

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The beginning...

and the end. Everything inbetween is over on Flickr.

Nothing like a couple thousand drunken Santas to get you in the holiday spirit... confusing a lot of kids along the way. I'm exhausted from just being with them. Most started 'preparing' for the day of debauchery about 9am and by noon were well on their way to breaking records. Not one mean Santa crossed my path but give a Santa a dodgeball and he sure can get aggressive. And who knew Santa could fly without his reindeer!

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Washington Avenue


Jerzy W. Sulek

"Mind if I take photograph?"
"...for a buck."

Photo taken. I showed him the pic on the back of the screen and the conversation began. Circling around books, starting with the creation of film to my perspective on shooting, "you should get a zoom lens". Frank Capote. Mister Smith. MGM. From how they began to make films, architecture, Calder, always coming back to the importance of reading books. He wanted to loan me a few but he said no one ever returns them. I'd read them for his notes alone. Not sure what is going on inside of his head that he cannot control, but what he can... is knowledge and reading. More photos taken. Two bucks given. He's using the money to buy more ink for his pen.

Here is a link to an article from 2007.

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After leaving work I took the afternoon to walk around taking photographs - wandering through Williamsburg looking for religious processions to capture - but my timing was off, everyone was IN church. So I walked the old hood. NYC has changed a lot in 10 years, but the good ole south side still seems the same. I'll post the images from my religion collision after Easter, for now, enjoy this doozy!

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Didn't feel the need to head into work today so I made my way through the city instead, camera in tow... oh do my feet ache!


William Chrome - sitting outside Trader Joe's with his typewriter, creating poems on the fly while you shop! Mine is about a dollar. How appropriate!

2 down...

and ending the day in another hectic poker game. No win for the G...damn.

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March 5th @ RePop