summer gone so soon.

Just came across this one from the fishing derby at the end of summer. Warm enough to take the coat off but still the coat in tow. I like winter. I love snow. But so far I'm holding on tight to the summer memories of warmer weather, sunsets and much longer days. I don't know what to do with myself in these short days with snow looming. I can walk, but where?

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the last catch...

Yesterday was the final day for the Fishing Derby with everyone out full force trying to catch just one more. One more even bigger then the 40" that was caught on the LIC piers. No such luck but it was a beautiful day with good people even with the sun setting too soon. A slide show of the day is here -> derby <- and more information over on Ben's site.

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debauchery day 2

Another day of fun out with friends - this time for the Kentucky Derby over at the Ale House - dresses, derby hats and of course, mint juleps all around. I took a lot of images, too many to post. to flickr they go. click away to take in the day. After the race I stepped next door to talk with the neighbor. She was a trip. So many in the old hood just complain, she just laughed. What a wonderful spirit!

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March 5th @ RePop